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​​Thanks to All of Santa's

Helpers, Cast and Crew!

​​Thanks to Canyon Park Middle School!

Give to the Canyon Park Music Boosters 

​​Thanks to Bothell High School Music!

Give to the BHS Music Boosters 

Thanks to teachers and students of

North Creek, Inglemoor, and Bothell High Schools

for volunteering in Performance Roles and

crew work behind the scenes!

DECA/Key Club/Honor Society


Thanks to Bothell Fire Department for delivering Santa in style on their decked-out Fire Engine.

2015 - 2020.

And thank you for saving Main Street! 2016

Thanks to Casey Strom and friends  Robert & Joel for dialing in the sound that makes the countdown so fun. 2016 - 2019.
Thanks to Dave & Clancy Bosh, Santa's Personal Electricians who make sure that the tree actually lights up! 2016-2020.
2015- Thanks to Tom and Linda Dorsey of Bothell Main Street Antiques.  Tom helped hang the lasers with a fishing pole! Linda made a beautiful scrap book which lovingly chronicled the history of the Bothell tree lighting traditions. 2019- Donated tree lighting commemorative plate on display in the lobby.
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